Event:board game night

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Board/card games are fun.

There is a copy of "Hacker - the computer crime card game" in the space. It is an award-winning card game from 1992 by Steve Jackson games (the makers of Muchkin).

Other games could be fun too.

Organizer: you?

Where: the space (Elzenstraat 4A)

Next up:

When: TBD by organizer

Past occurances:


Organizer wanted:

Organizing is simple: set a date, anounce event, bring games (or make sure at least someone else does)

Announcing events

  • send email to hackerspacenijmegen@lists.hsbp.org and events.hackerspacenijmegen@lists.hsbp.org.
  • anounce on irc (and add to topic)
  • put on meetup: themba   and allurb4se have write access on our meetup group.