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Hieronder worden maximaal 42 resultaten weergegeven in het bereik #1 tot #42.
- Agenda
- Contributing
- Deelnemer worden
- Event:CTF night
- Event:Getting started with the Ultimaker 2 3d-Printer
- Event:Workshop FPGA
- Event:Workshop Friday 4th of October: Wordclock
- Event:Workshop Series (hopefully) 'What does it do'
- Event:board game night
- Financial Settlement 2018
- Hackerspace Nijmegen (working title) zoekt deelnemers!
- Huisvesting
- Mailinglist contingency plan
- Milling PCB's with 3018 Chinese Desktop CNC
- Minutes 2018-03-27
- Minutes board meeting 2018 02 22
- Naming
- Netwerk
- Plant Project
- ProjectOne:Mini RC Hovercrafts
- ProjectOne:Planning
- ProjectOne:Project Ideas that are too big to do on my own
- Projects
- Projects:Anonycaster
- Projects:Bar
- Projects:CNC-freesmachine
- Projects:Delta printer
- Projects:Knitting Machine to laptop
- Projects:Kubernetes
- Projects:Music at HSN
- Projects:Server Migration
- Projects:Spacestate
- Public PCs
- Statuten
- Tool:AnyCubic Photon (3D printer)
- Tool:Laserprinter
- Tool:Silhoutte SD
- Tool:Ultimaker 2 (3D printer)
- Tools
- VerwarmingIdeeen
- Wishlist
- Wishlist for the new space